Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oops I Did It Again...

I had such a great experience couponing at Farm Fresh yesterday, that I decided to try it today at Food Lion, the other grocery store in town. Now, I have noticed in the past, that Food Lion's sales are hit and miss. This was definitely a miss week. There just wasn't a whole lot in there that we needed. I did manage to catch a few good deals, though.

2 boxes Orville Reddenbacher's Natural popcorn - $6.38
2 2-liter bottles of Dr. Pepper 10, on sale 4/$5.00 - $2.50
2 x $1.00/1 box popcorn and 1 2-liter soda coupons - $2.00 (store coupons)
2 x $1.00/1 2-liter soda coupons - $2.00 (manufacturer's coupons)
1 x $1.00/2 boxes popcorn coupon - $1.00 (manufacturer's coupon)
$3.88 for all 4, or $0.97 each

Duncan Hines cake mix, on sale 4/$5.00 - $1.25
1 x $0.35 coupon - $0.35
$0.90 for the cake mix, that will be the base for some Knock You Naked Brownies

2 Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls, on sale 2/$4.00 - $4.00
1 carton eggs - $1.89
1 x $1.00 coupon - $1.00
1 x Free eggs with purchase coupon - $1.89
$3.00 for all 3, or $1.00 each

I had another $1.00 in coupons and I picked up 2 cartons of strawberries that were on sale for $1.88. Between my MVP card discount and my coupons, I saved $18.66 and paid $19.61, another savings of almost 50%. Yay me!

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